Urgent Care Center


Community benefit activities improve everyone's health

LG Health is committed to improving the health and well-being of the communities we serve. Together with strong community partners, we identify the community's most-pressing health concerns and implement solutions that address these critical needs. Our community benefit activities have the potential to reach every citizen in our area.

Together with our partners, we have identified three current community health improvement priorities:

  • Increasing the number of people at a healthy weight
  • Reducing the use of tobacco
  • Improving mental health with a focus on depression and anxiety

As a founding member and facilitator, we continue to partner with the Lighten Up Lancaster Coalition, a community-led coalition that today includes over 1,000 individuals, schools, organizations and businesses working together to heighten awareness of obesity issues, bring about behavioral change through programming, and create environmental change by promoting access to healthy food, opportunities for physical activities, and more walkable and bike-friendly communities.

We also are a key driver of the Tobacco Free Coalition of Lancaster County, a multi-sector partnership that has helped reduce the number of adult smokers in the county and led to 18 municipalities adopting tobacco-free parks and playgrounds. We have major initiatives in the works on the behavioral health front.

Through partnerships large and small, we are working on policies, systems and environmental changes that will have a long-lasting and broad influence on the health and well-being of our community.