Partners in the Journey to Optimal Health

Lancaster General Health is at the forefront of the preventative-care movement, improving experiences for individual patients, supporting at-risk populations and reducing the cost of care at the same time.

We take a proactive approach with the 20,000+ Medicare patients seen by LG Health Physicians. They are now part of an Accountable Care Organization that recognizes care providers for keeping them healthy. Given more help with managing their health, these patients can avoid invasive and aggressive treatments and feel more satisfied with their care.

LG Health care teams are long-term partners in health for people with recurring needs, helping to improve care, reduce hospitalizations and lower costs.

Our network of primary-care offices also double as patient-centered medical “homes,” serving as a base to coordinate care for chronic conditions and providing better follow-up. This approach requires a team-based model where all members of the PCMH team are working with the physician and patient to help the patient reach their health goals.

Traditionally, just three percent of our patients have accounted for more than half our healthcare spending. Identifying those most at risk—especially patients who might lack the personal support needed to stay healthy once home—is critical to successful interventions.

Optimal HealthPhysicians and nurses with our Care Connections and Ambulatory Collaborative Care groups teamed with social workers, pharmacists and chaplains to dramatically reduce costly emergency visits and hospital stays among more than 300 medically complex patients.

Patients with three or more chronic health conditions or mental health needs get extra support and encouragement between appointments, with nursing staff offering community resources and providing effective reinforcements to ensure patients remain committed to prescribed treatments. Such efforts result in better medication management, fewer readmissions and de-escalation of dangerous conditions.

We’ve also expanded the role of the Ambulatory Collaborative Care teams to spot patients whose health risks are rising. Working together, we can head off emerging problems before they reach crisis level.

By providing additional physical, social and emotional supports to our patients, we’re improving the overall patient experience. It’s one more tool to help them get healthy and stay that way.